FairCoin use cases

Many application areas for FairCoin already exist and are further developed. Here we show examples how to use FairCoin on a day-to-day basis.

Shops, bars and restaurants

If you are running one of these businesses you can easily accept FairCoin as payments for the bills. This is already happening in some places in Europe, especially in Spain and Greece. Look at the list of places accepting FairCoins here: use.fair-coin.org


Salary and income

If you are self-employed worker you can offer your digital and non-digital services and products for FairCoin either by issuing invoices with FairCoin as a foreign currency or through the FairCoop legal tool Freedom Coop. Use our FairMarket as an online market plattform.


Personal savings

FairCoins can also be used as a store of value and therefore as personal savings. By doing so savers support the FairCoin, FairCoop, komun or other ecosystems to raise and stabilize the price at a higher level and make our economic impact stronger.


Send & exchange FairCoins worldwide

With FairCoin you can send money quickly and cheaply around the world to any individual who is running their own FairCoin wallet. If the recipient has a Local Node close by it's even possible to exchange easily to other local/social currencies and fiat currencies.

Local economic networks

The local economy is crucial in closing the economic circle and has a real use case for the people to pay for products and services in their everyday life without the necessity of converting to other currencies. Therefore local street markets and cooperatives who widely accept FairCoin will be important for the independent and self-managed lives of individuals and communities.


Donations to supporters

Donations can be send directly to Culture/Science/Food/Energy/Education/Solidarity projects who accept FairCoin as currency. Therefore they can build liquidity to support them and make those projects happen. You can find them here in our UseFaircoin website.


Donations to FairCoop Funds

You can donate FairCoins to one of the Fair Funds which redistribution to different projects will be decided by the FairCoop community in their open assemblies.


Festivals & Workshops 

If you want to organize a festival which is in line with FairCoop principles you could let people use FairCoin for ticket payment and for products and services offered during the festival. 

If you run a workshop or course, which is related to the alternative economy, alternative education or similar topics you could also accept FairCoins as allowance or donations from your participants.


Gain your second freedom

Certainly, you always have the freedom to buy ethical goods and services.  If you tell people, that you prefer accepting FairCoin, then you make use of a second freedom: don't take anything from anybody. You can choose, how to buy and how to sell!

Let's have a look at some examples.

Making FairCoin available in Haiti


I'm curious on how we can convince poor communities on using FairCoin as an alternative to fiat currency. I would like to see how I would go about presenting some motivational friends in Haiti .

Bashur Local Node

Cegerxwîn Kara

Today we did our first meeting and organized our Local Node of Bashur with 6 members. During the meeting we discussed the mentality of the FairCoop especially. Because to do a work, we have to understand the mentality and concept first of all.

La Descapitalitzadora

Jordi Flores

In POE Tarragona we have actived La Descapitalitzadora. It is a collective project to boost and dynamize local production projects in a circular economy between FairCoins, social currencies and Euros.

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