Crowdfunding for a better world
Compared to most other coins, FairCoin is connected to real values, e.g. on FairMarket and for exchanging goods and services at Local Nodes in many countries. Our ultimate goal is that FairCoins are mainly used within the FAIR ecosystem by people who support values based on a fairer world and economy.
In the FairCoin Economic Strategies group on Telegram or fairchat we are discussing various aspects related to FairCoin value.
If you are interested in building a fairer economic system with us , then buy some FairCoin. We prefer to attract long-term investors that are in line with our core values and support our projects.
Pros of a price increase
Increases the stored value in the community funds
More economic power for the FAIR ecosystem to invest in its own growth and in other related projects
Cons of a price increase
A fast increase has a higher risk of initiating a bubble or attacting speculators with the intention to “dump” on a high price