Jedan od najčešćih prigovora FairCoin-u, koji će se neizbježno čuti, je taj da radikali ne bi trebali imati sa novcem ništa, na bilo koji način.
Teoretska razmatranja o razvoju FairCoin-a
Prispijećem prilaska Faircoin-a do jednakosti sa Eurom, je važna prekretnica i vrijedna razmatranja u nekoliko aspekata.
Stress test passed for FairCoin website
Yesterday morning we had a massive denial of service attack on our website. Luckily, we survived it without any damage.
Open Minds Award nominates FairCoin for the category "Infrastructure"
FairCoin is nominated for the Austrian Open Minds Award 2017 for the Open Software category “Infrastructure“.
Why forking does not matter FairCoin
On August 1st afternoon, the Bitcoin Cash (BCC) fork has happened. Their clients do not accept any block with a height greater than 478558 from the BTC network.
Stability in Blockchains with Cooperation
The race about next Bitcoin has started, and Faircoin is among the frontrunners.
New FairCoin logo decided
It took nearly one year: The Fair.Coop community has been working on refreshing and aligning their visual identity. Many projects have arised, web pages were made and folders printed. However, they were not recognisable as one ecosystem due to a cluttered design.
FairCoins im Kiosk des Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein
Im Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein läuft die Ausstellung "Who Pays?" mit Werken von Joseph Beuys. Lokale Aktuere sind eingeladen, einen Raum zu bespielen, in dem alternatives Wirtschaften gezeigt wird.