There are various service providers that offer FairCoin.  First of all, you need a wallet to store your FairCoins.


FairCoop exchange

FairCoins could be directly bought until 2019 with credit card or wire
transfer at
FairCoop used the budget to buy FairCoin on crypto markets (to stabilize the price), exchange to merchants who need Euro for raw material and to cover expenses for development and communication of the FairCoop ecosystem. Some FairCoop activists have bought a lot of FairCoins in 2015 when the price was rather low. They have saved them to be used to finance various funds by selling small portions of those funds for dedicated projects.

As some FairCoop members could not make fully transparent all transactions they had stopped doing direct exchange.


Invest and get FairCoin

Support the implementation of results of a FairCoin strategy meeting held in January 2019. If you donate Euros for the extension of the functionality of the FairCoin block explorer, you get the same amount in FairCoin for free!


Local Nodes

You can buy FairCoin at more than 50 Local Nodes worldwide. There you also find people who guide you when using FairCoin, many of them offer local goods and services. Open the map and find one in your area.


Offer products & services

Find people who are using FairCoins on and offer them products,
services or fiat money to get FairCoin.  On the map you find enterprises and nodes of all kinds accepting FairCoins as a payment method. This is especially useful for users to easily find locations to spend FairCoins for real-world products and services, and to support the circular economy. Or look up FairCoop's online marketplace FairMarket or komun's Bazar.



FairCoin can be acquired through exchanges. The pricing on exchanges is subject to demand and offer. You first have to buy BitCoins elsewhere and then may sell them for FairCoin.

  • VinDax is a cryptocurrency exchange where you can buy and exchange FairCoins
  • Fairo is a fair economy value of FairCoin based on an algorithm tracing some points above the free market fluctuation. The Fairo rates are built in to most FairCoin wallets.
  • FreeVision is a price closer to the free market that is also used among community members
  • bisq is a self-organized peer-to-peer exchange network. The exchange rate calculator is using an algorithm based on that market.
  • BLOCKNET allows to exchange between crypto-currencies peer-to-peer

The turnover of FairCoin at other exchanges is considerably low and some do not list it anymore (like CoinMarketCap). Most exchanges are done in person at local nodes or via a dedicated telegram group (on invitation of the FairCoop community only).



Most countries have established money laundring laws.  We recommend anybyody who is selling a bigger amount of FairCoins to follow two principles:

  • KYC (Know Your Customer): record the identity of the buyer (e.g. ask for the ID card and make a note of the name and the ID number)
  • AML (Anti Money Laundring Law):  let the buyer confirm, that the origin of the  money is not from illegal activities (drug sales etc)

The ceiling for KYC varies by country (as of 2018: Austria € 10.000.-, Italy 3.000.-, France 1.000.-). Please check your local rules to avoid any troubles.



Coinmarketcap gathers data from various markets and shows capitalization and value.


Analyse the Euro price and follow the fixed change rates here.


Block explorers

Our block explorer 1 and block exporer 2 show all FairCoin transactions in the public blockchain. Needs some deeper knowledge in cryptocurrencies to understand this "public ledger". We are working on a more advanced block explorer (requires gitlab login) which offers e.g. tagging.


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